Today, PlayStation Game Size, which has proved to be reliable when it comes. Sonic Team is going all out with Sonic Frontiers. Sonic Frontiers may release on November 15th, 2022, according to new information that has emerged online. Its still set to come out this holiday, so we will have news for you this year.

If you missed the trailer from The Game Awards 2021, we’ve embedded it below. 'See a lot of people asking about Sonic Frontiers, we dont have news on Frontiers today but dont worry soon. Not only for this title, but during the development phase, we have been steadily conducting analysis to improve the quality of the title before release, such as introducing game testing based on external evaluations, and I have a feeling that it will become a good game and have high expectations for it. Et étant donné que Sonic Frontiers doit sortir cette année, mais quil na donné aucune date précise, certains sinquiètent de voir le jeu être lui aussi repoussé à lannée prochaine. Gaming Sonic Frontiers Trademarked by Sega, is Likely the New Name for the Hedgehog’s 2022 Game Nathan Birch We’ve known for a while that the next big game in the Sonic the Hedgehog. Sonic Frontiers will take most players between 20 and 30 hours to complete, game director Morio Kishimoto told IGN in an interview. Originally it was planned to be released on this year, the 30th anniversary of Sonic, but we have postponed the release for a year in order to further brush up the quality. La fin de lannée se rapproche, et les reports à 2023 senchaînent ces derniers jours. Sega wanted to drop it in 2021 to celebrate Sonic’s 30th anny, but ultimately delayed it a year (!) to further ensure the highest quality possible. The Sega Sammy results revealed an interesting tidbit of information regarding the original release date for Sonic Frontiers. Sega and Sonic Team have high hopes for Sonic Frontiers, aiming for it to be the next ‘pilar’ in the Sonic franchise the way that Sonic Adventure did when it releases later this year. A nagy múltú Sonic-franchise tovább bvül nemcsak egy új filmmel, hanem játékokkal is, köztük a Sonic Frontiersszel, ami a nyílt világú formulában álmodja újra a platformer játékmenetet.Arról egyelre nincs hivatalos infó, hogy pontosan mikor jelenik meg a Frontiers, de egy szivárgás szerint 2022.